- G4P - Class in g4p_controls
The core class for the global manipulation and execution of G4P.
- G4P() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.G4P
- g4p_controls - package g4p_controls
- GAbstractControl - Class in g4p_controls
Abstract base class for all GUI controls.
- GAbstractControl(PApplet) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Base constructor for ALL control ctors that do not have a visible UI but require
access to a PApplet object.
- GAbstractControl(PApplet, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Base constructor for ALL control ctors that have a visible UI but whose width and height
are determined elsewhere e.g.
- GAbstractControl(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Base constructor for ALL control ctors that have a visible UI.
- GAbstractControl.Z_Order - Class in g4p_controls
Comparator used for controlling the order components are drawn
- GAbstractControl.Z_Order() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.Z_Order
- GAlign - Enum in g4p_controls
This class provides an enumeration that is used to control the alignment
of text and images.
- GAnimIcon - Class in g4p_controls
Class for the creation of animated icons to be used with GButton, GLabel, GCheckbox and GOption controls.
- GAnimIcon(PApplet, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Create an animated icon
- GAnimIcon(PApplet, PImage, int, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Create an animated icon
- GButton - Class in g4p_controls
This class is the Button component.
- GButton(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GButton
- GButton(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GButton
- GCheckbox - Class in g4p_controls
A two-state toggle control.
- GCheckbox(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GCheckbox
Create an option button without text.
- GCheckbox(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GCheckbox
Create an option button with text.
- GClip - Class in g4p_controls
Clipboard functionaliy for plain text
This provides clipboard functionality for text and is currently only used by the
GTextField and GTextArea classes.
- GConstants - Interface in g4p_controls
These constants can all be available to the Processor.
- GControlMode - Enum in g4p_controls
- GCScheme - Class in g4p_controls
Defines a number of color schemes for the GUI components.
- GCScheme() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GCScheme
- GCustomSlider - Class in g4p_controls
Slider that can be customised with user provided graphics.
- GCustomSlider(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GCustomSlider
Create a custom slider using the default skin.
- GCustomSlider(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GCustomSlider
Create a custom slider using the skin specified.
- GDropList - Class in g4p_controls
A drop down list component.
- GDropList(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GDropList
Create a drop down list component with a list size of 4.
After creating the control use setItems to initialise the list.
- GDropList(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GDropList
Create a drop down list component with a specified list size.
- GDropList(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GDropList
Create a drop down list component with a specified list size.
The width of the show-list button is constrained between 10pixels and
half the control width.
After creating the control use setItems to initialise the list.
- GEditableTextControl - Class in g4p_controls
This class is the basis for the GTextField and GTextArea classes.
- GEditableTextControl(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
- getCaretPos() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Get the current caret position.
- getCaretPos(int[]) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Get the current caret position.
- getCtrlMode() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Get the control creation mode @see ctrlMode(int mode)
- getCursor() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Get the cursor shape used when the mouse is not over a G4P
set for the
- getCursorOff() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
use getCursor()
- getCursorOver() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the shape type when the cursor is over a control
- getCX() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the centre x position of the control.
- getCY() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the centre y position of the control.
- getDesc() - Method in enum g4p_controls.GAlign
Returns the textual verbose description of this alignment.
- getDesc() - Method in enum g4p_controls.GEvent
Get a textual description of this event
- getEasing() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Get the current value used for easing.
- getEndLimit() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
- getFont(String, int, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.FontManager
Get a system font that matches the font family name, style and size.
- getFrame(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GIcon
Get the image to be displayed for the specified frame number.
- getFrame() - Method in class g4p_controls.GIcon
Get the image for the current frame to be displayed.
- getFromText(String) - Static method in enum g4p_controls.GAlign
Get an alignment based from its textual ID.
- getHeight() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
- getIcon() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
If an animated icon (GAnimIcon) is associated with this control then it is returned otherwise it returns null.
- getInitialDelay() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Get the initial delay time (milliseconds).
- getInterval() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Get the interval time (milliseconds) between
- getJavaColor(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.GCScheme
This method is only to be used by GUI Builder.
- getLines(Graphics2D) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the text layouts for display if the string has changed since last call
to this method regenerate them.
- getLocalColorScheme() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the local color scheme ID number.
- getMaxLineHeight() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the height of the tallest line
- getMaxLineLength() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Return the length of the longest line.
- getMode() - Method in class g4p_controls.GStick
Get the current mode
- getNbrLines() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the number of lines in the layout
- getNbrRepeats() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
The number of times an event is to be fired.
- getNbrTicks() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Get the number of tick marks.
- getOpenWindowsAsArray() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Get an array of GWindow objects even if minimised or invisible.
- getOpenWindowsAsList(ArrayList<GWindow>) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Get a list of all open GWindow objects even if minimised or invisible.
- getPalette(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.GCScheme
Set the color scheme to one of the preset schemes
or if you have created your own schemes following the instructions
at gui4processing.lagers.org.uk/colorscheme.html then you can enter
the appropriate numeric value of the scheme.
- getPApplet() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the PApplet that manages this component
- getParent() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the parent control.
- getPassword() - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Get the current password (hidden) value of this field.
- getPlainText() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the plain text as a String.
- getPlainText(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the plain text as a String.
- getPlainText(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get a line of text from the plain text.
- getPlainTextAsArray() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the plain text as a String array.
- getPosition() - Method in class g4p_controls.GStick
Returns the current position of the stick based on
- getPosition(PVector) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Returns a PVector with the windows top-left coordinates.
- getPosition(PVector) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowAWT
Get the window position
- getPosition(PVector) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowNEWT
Get the window position.
- getPrecision() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Precision used with floating point numbers
- getPrettyVersion() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
return the pretty version of the library.
- getPriorityFont(String[], int, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.FontManager
Get a system font that matches one the font family names with the style and size.
- getPromptText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Get the prompt text used in this control.
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
Get the index position of the selected item
- getSelectedText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
Get the text for the selected item
- getSelectedText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Get the text that has been selected (highlighted) by the user.
- getSensitivity() - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
This gets the sensitivity to be used in modes CTRL_HORIZONTAL and CTRL_VERTICAL
- getSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
This method should be used sparingly since it is heavy on resources.
- getSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
- getSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
- getSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
- getSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextField
- getStartLimit() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
- getState() - Method in class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Get the current state value of the button.
- getStickX() - Method in class g4p_controls.GStick
Get the X position of the stick from
- getStickY() - Method in class g4p_controls.GStick
Get the Y position of the stick from
- getStyledText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Get the styled text in the control
- getStyledText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Get the text used for this control.
- getTabHeight() - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
- getText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Get the text in the control
- getText(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Get the text on a particular line in the text area.
- getText() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Get the text used for this control.
- getTextAreaHeight() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Return the height of the text line(s)
- getTextAsArray() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Get the text as a String array.
- getTextID() - Method in enum g4p_controls.GAlign
Returns the textual ID of with this alignment.
- getTextLength(int, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Get the length of text on a particular line in the text area.
- getTitle() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Get the windowTitle
- getTitle() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowAWT
Get the window title
- getTitle() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowNEWT
Get the window title
- getToggleGroup() - Method in class g4p_controls.GToggleControl
Get the toggle group.
- getTrackOffset() - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
Get the visual offset for the value/label text.
- getTurnMode() - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Get the current mouse controller mode possible values are
- getType() - Method in enum g4p_controls.GEvent
Get the error identifier.
- getUnit() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
- getValueF() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Get the current value as a float
- getValueI() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Get the current value as an integer.
- getValueS() - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
If we are using labels then this will get the label text
associated with the current value.
- getValueS() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
If we are using labels then this will get the label text
associated with the current value.
- getValueType() - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
- getValueXF() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current X value as a float
- getValueXI() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current X value as an integer.
- getValueXS() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current X value as a string taking into account the number format.
- getValueYF() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current Y value as a float
- getValueYI() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current Y value as an integer.
- getValueYS() - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Get the current Y value as a string taking into account the number format.
- getVersion() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
return the version of the library used by Processing
- getWidth() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
- getWindow(PApplet, String, int, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Factory method to create and start a new window.
- getWordLength() - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Get the current length of the password entered.
- getWrapWidth() - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
- getWrapWidth() - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Get the break width used to create the lines.
- getX() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the left position of the control.
- getY() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Get the top position of the control.
- GEvent - Enum in g4p_controls
Enumeration of events that can be fired by G4P.
- GGroup - Class in g4p_controls
This class allows you to group GUI controls so that they can be treated as a single
entity for common GUI actions.
- GGroup(PApplet) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GGroup
Create a control group for the indicated PApplet.
- GGroup(PApplet, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GGroup
Create a control group for the indicated PApplet.
- GGroup(GWindow) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GGroup
Create a control group for the indicated GWindow.
- GIcon - Class in g4p_controls
Class for the creation of non-animated icons to be used with GButton, GLabel, GCheckbox and GOption controls.
- GIcon(PApplet, String, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GIcon
Create an animated icon
- GIcon(PApplet, PImage, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GIcon
Create an animated icon.
- GImageButton - Class in g4p_controls
Buttons create from this class use a number of images to represent it's
- GImageButton(PApplet, float, float, String[]) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageButton
The control size will be set to the size of the image file used for the button OFF state.
- GImageButton(PApplet, float, float, String[], String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageButton
The control size will be set to the size of the image file used for the button OFF state.
- GImageButton(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String[]) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageButton
Create an image button of the size specified by the parameters.
- GImageButton(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String[], String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageButton
Create an image button of the size specified by the parameters.
- GImageToggleButton - Class in g4p_controls
Buttons created from this class have 2 or more toggle states.
- GImageToggleButton(PApplet, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Create the library default image-toggle-button at the stated position.
- GImageToggleButton(PApplet, float, float, String, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Create an image-toggle-button.
- GImageToggleButton(PApplet, float, float, String, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Create an image-toggle-button.
- GImageToggleButton(PApplet, float, float, String, String, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Create an image-toggle-button.
- GImageToggleButton(PApplet, float, float, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Create an image-toggle-button.
- GKnob - Class in g4p_controls
The provides an extremely configurable GUI knob controller.
- GKnob(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GKnob
Will create the a circular knob control that fits the rectangle define by
the values passed as parameters.
- GLabel - Class in g4p_controls
The label component.
- GLabel(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GLabel
Create an empty label
use setText and setIcon to change the text and icon.
- GLabel(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GLabel
Create a label control.
- GLinearTrackControl - Class in g4p_controls
Base class for linear sliders.
- GLinearTrackControl(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
- GOLD_SCHEME - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- GOption - Class in g4p_controls
A two-state toggle control.
- GOption(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GOption
Create an option button without text.
- GOption(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GOption
Create an option button with text.
- GPanel - Class in g4p_controls
A component that can be used to group GUI components that can be
dragged, collapsed (leaves title tab only) and un-collapsed.
- GPanel(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GPanel
Create a Panel that comprises of 2 parts the tab which is used to
select and move the panel and the container window below the tab which
is used to hold other components.
- GPanel(PApplet, float, float, float, float, String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GPanel
Create a Panel that comprises of 2 parts the tab which is used to
select and move the panel and the container window below the tab which
is used to hold other components.
- GPassword - Class in g4p_controls
The password field component.
- GPassword(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GPassword
Create a password field without a scrollbar.
- GPassword(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GPassword
Create a password field with the given scrollbar policy.
- GREEN_SCHEME - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- GSketchPad - Class in g4p_controls
Display area for user generated graphics.
- GSketchPad(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GSketchPad
- GSlider - Class in g4p_controls
A simple graphical slider.
- GSlider(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GSlider
- GSlider2D - Class in g4p_controls
This slider is used to control 2 variables by dragging the thumb over
a 2D surface.
- GSlider2D(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Create a 2D slider inside the specified rectangle.
- GStick - Class in g4p_controls
This control simulates a digital joystick and is designed to give more
intuitive control in game scenarios where you might use the keyboard
- GStick(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GStick
Create the stick inside the specified rectangle.
- GTabManager - Class in g4p_controls
Allows TABBING between text controls.
- GTabManager() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTabManager
- GTextArea - Class in g4p_controls
The text area component.
- GTextArea(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Create a text area without scrollbars and a text wrap width to fit the control.
- GTextArea(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy and a text wrap width to fit the control.
- GTextArea(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy with a user specified text wrap length
- GTextBase - Class in g4p_controls
Base class for any control that uses styled text.
- GTextBase(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextBase
- GTextField - Class in g4p_controls
The text field component.
- GTextField(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextField
Create a text field without a scrollbar.
- GTextField(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextField
Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy.
- GTextIconBase - Class in g4p_controls
This is the base class for all controls that can display text and/or icon i.e.
- GTextIconBase(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
- GTimer - Class in g4p_controls
This class is used to trigger events at user defined intervals.
- GTimer(PApplet, Object, String, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTimer
Create the GTimer object with this ctor.
- GTimer(PApplet, Object, String, int, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GTimer
Create the GTimer object with this ctor.
- GToggleControl - Class in g4p_controls
This class forms the basis for any two-state type control (toggle switch).
- GToggleControl(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GToggleControl
- GToggleGroup - Class in g4p_controls
Use this class to create a single selection collection of options.
- GToggleGroup() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GToggleGroup
Create a toggle group object.
- GValueControl - Class in g4p_controls
Base class for all slider and knob type controls.
- GValueControl(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GValueControl
- GValueControl2D - Class in g4p_controls
Base class for controls that have 2 variables e.f.
- GValueControl2D(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GValueControl2D
- GWinData - Class in g4p_controls
This class is used to hold the data associated with a GWindow object.
- GWinData() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GWinData
- GWindow - Class in g4p_controls
Base class for independent windows using JAVA2D, P2D or P3D renderers.
- GWindowAWT - Class in g4p_controls
Class for independent windows using the JAVA2D renderer.
- GWindowImpl - Class in g4p_controls
This class calls the appropriate methods for G4P controls for the main applet window.
- GWindowImpl(PApplet) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.GWindowImpl
- GWindowNEWT - Class in g4p_controls
Class for independent windows using P2D or P3D renderers.
- save(PApplet, StyledString, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Save the named StyleString in the named file.
- savePalettes(PApplet) - Static method in class g4p_controls.GCScheme
Save the current colour schemes as an image in the sketch's data folder.
- savePalettes(PApplet, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.GCScheme
Save the current colour schemes as an image in the sketch's data folder.
- saveSnapshot() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Save a snapshot of the control using class name and sketch runtime as the filename
- saveSnapshot(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Save a snapshot of the control using the specified filename
- saveText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Save the styled text used by this control to file.
- saveText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Save the styled text used by this control to file.
- SCHEME_10 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_11 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_12 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_13 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_14 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_15 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_8 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCHEME_9 - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SCROLLBARS_AUTOHIDE - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
whether to hide when not required
- SCROLLBARS_BOTH - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
Create and display both vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
- SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
Create and display horizontal scrollbar only.
- SCROLLBARS_NONE - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
Do not create or display any scrollbars for the text control.
- SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
Create and display vertical scrollbar only.
- selectColor() - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
This will open a version of the Java Swing color chooser dialog.
- selectColor(Color) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
This will open a version of the Java Swing color chooser dialog.
- selectColor(int, int, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
This will open a version of the Java Swing color chooser dialog.
- selectFolder(String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a folder from the local file system.
- selectInput(String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for input from the local file system.
- selectInput(String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for input from the local file system.
- selectInput(String, String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for input from the local file system.
- selectInput(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for input from the local file system.
- selectOption(PApplet, String, String, int, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Display a simple message dialog window.
- selectOutput(String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for output from the local file system.
- selectOutput(String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for output from the local file system.
- selectOutput(String, String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for output from the local file system.
- selectOutput(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Select a file for output from the local file system.
- setActionOnClose(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
This sets what happens when the users attempts to close the window.
- setActionOnClose(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowAWT
This sets what happens when the users attempts to close the window.
- setActionOnClose(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowNEWT
This sets what happens when the users attempts to close the window.
- setAlpha(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the transparency of the component and make it unavailable to
mouse and keyboard events if below the threshold.
- setAlpha(int, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the transparency of the component and make it unavailable to
mouse and keyboard events if below the threshold.
- setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Sets whether this window should always be above other windows.
- setArcPolicy(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Convenience method to set both the show and the mouse over arc only properties
for this knob
- setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Collapse or open the panel
- setCollapsible(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Determine whether the panel can be collapsed when the title bar is clicked.
- setCtrlMode(GControlMode) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Change the way position and size parameters are interpreted when a control is created.
- setCursor(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Set the cursor shape to be used when the mouse is not over a
G4P control for the entire application including secondary
- setCursorOff(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
use setCursor(int)
- setCursorOver(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the shape type to use when the cursor is over a control
- setDelay(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Sets the initial delay and the interval between events.
- setDragArea(float, float, float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Provided the panel is physically small enough this method will set the area
within which the panel can be dragged and move the panel inside the area if
not already inside.
- setDragArea() - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Provided the panel is small enough to fit inside the display area then
the panel will be constrained to fit inside the display area.
- setDraggable(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Sets whether the panel can be dragged by the mouse or not.
- setEasing(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set the amount of easing to be used when a value is changing.
- setEasing(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set the amount of easing to be used when a value is changing.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Enable or disable the ability of the component to generate mouse events.
GTextField - it also controls key press events
GPanel - controls whether the panel can be moved/collapsed/expanded
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GButton
Enable or disable the ability of the component to generate mouse events.
If the control is to be disabled when it is clicked then this will force the
mouse off button image is used.
- setEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Enable / disable the controls.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Enable / disable the controls immediately.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GImageButton
Enable or disable the ability of the component to generate mouse events.
If the control is to be disabled when it is clicked then this will force the
mouse off button image is used.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider
Enable or disable the ability of the component to generate mouse events.
GTextField - it also controls key press events
GPanel - controls whether the panel can be moved/collapsed/expanded
- setFocus(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Determines whether this component is to have focus or not
- setFocus(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Determines whether this component is to have focus or not.
- setFocus(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Determines whether this component is to have focus or not.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Set the font for this control.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
- setFont(Font) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Set the font to be used in this control
- setFont(Font) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Set the font to be used in this control
- setFrame(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Set the current frame to be displayed.
- setGlobalAlpha(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Set the transparency of all controls.
- setGlobalColorScheme(int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Set the global colour scheme.
- setGraphic(PGraphics) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSketchPad
- setGripAmount(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
The radius of the inner griper radius is calculated from the bezel radius
and the parameter gripAmount using
- setHeightToFit() - Method in class g4p_controls.GLabel
- setIcon(String, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the non-animated icon to be used, keeping the current icon alignment and position.
- setIcon(String, int, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the non-animated icon to be used and the horizontal and/or vertical icon alignment.
- setIcon(String, int, GAlign, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the non-animated icon to be used and the horizontal and/or vertical icon alignment.
- setIcon(PImage, int, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the non-animated icon to be used and the horizontal and/or vertical icon alignment.
- setIcon(PImage, int, GAlign, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the non-animated icon to be used for this control.
- setIcon(GIcon, GAlign, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the icon to be used for this control.
- setIcon(GIcon, GAlign, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GToggleControl
Set the icon to be used for this control.
- setIconAlign(GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Change the alignment of an existing icon.
- setIconPos(GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the position for the icon relative to the text.
- setIncludeOverBezel(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Whether to include the bezel when deciding when the mouse is over.
- setInfo(StyledString.TextLayoutInfo, TextHitInfo) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo
- setInitialDelay(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Set the delay before the first event is triggered
- setInterval(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Change the interval between frames for the current animation clip.
- setInterval(String, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Change the interval between frames for the animation clip with
specified id.
- setInterval(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Set the interval between events
- setItems(String[], int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
Use this to set or change the list of items to appear in the list.
- setItems(List<String>, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
- setJustify(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
- setJustify(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Text can be either left or fully justified.
- setJustifyRatio(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Justify only if the line has sufficient text to do so.
- setLimits(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- setLimits(int, int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLimits(float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- setLimits(float, float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsX(int, int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
X (horz) limits
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsX(float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
X (horz) limits
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsX(float, float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
X (horz) limits
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsY(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Y (vert) limits
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsY(int, int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Y (vert) limits
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsY(float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Y (vert) limits
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- setLimitsY(float, float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Y (vert) limits
Sets the initial value and the range of values to be returned.
- setLocalColor(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Change a specific colour within the scheme.
- setLocalColorScheme(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the local colour scheme for this control.
- setLocalColorScheme(int, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the local colour scheme for this control.
- setLocalColorScheme(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
Sets the local colour scheme for this control
- setLocalColorScheme(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Sets the local colour scheme for this control
- setLocalColorScheme(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Set the color scheme used by these controls with immediate effect.
- setLocalColorScheme(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Set the color scheme used by these controls after a delay.
- setLocalColorScheme(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Sets the local colour scheme for this control
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Set the windows position
- setMaxWordLength(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Sets the max length of the password.
- setMode(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GStick
Sets the stick mode to either 4 or 8 directions.
- setMouseOverEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Enables or disables cursor over component change.
- setNbrRepeats(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
The number of times an event is to be fired.
- setNbrTicks(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
The number of ticks must be >= 2 since 2 are required for the slider limits.
- setNumberFormat(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set the numberFormat and precision in one go.
- setNumberFormat(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set the numberFormat and precision in one go.
- setNumberFormat(int, int, String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set the numberFormat, precision and units in one go.
- setNumberFormat(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set the numberFormat and precision in one go.
- setNumberFormat(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set the numberFormat and precision in one go.
- setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Determines whether to show the back colour or not.
- setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
Determines whether to show the tab and panel back colour.
- setOverArcOnly(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Decides when the knob will respond to the mouse buttons.
- setPrecision(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
For DECIMAL values this sets the number of decimal places to
be displayed.
- setPrecision(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
For DECIMAL values this sets the number of decimal places to
be displayed.
- setPromptText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Set the prompt text for this control.
- setRotation(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the rotation to apply when displaying this control.
- setRotation(float, GControlMode) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
Set the rotation to apply when displaying this control.
- setSelected(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GDropList
Set the currently selected item from the droplist by index position.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GToggleControl
Set whether this is or is not selected.
- setSelectedTextStyle(TextAttribute, Object) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
If some text has been selected then set the style.
- setSensitivity(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
This gets the sensitivity to be used in modes CTRL_HORIZONTAL and CTRL_VERTICAL
A value of 1 is 1 degree per pixel and a value of 2 is 2 degrees per pixel.
- setShowArcOnly(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
This will decide whether the knob is draw as a full circle or as an arc.
- setShowDecor(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Convenience method to set what is to be drawn to the screen.
- setShowLimits(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set whether the limits are to be displayed or not.
- setShowTicks(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
Set whether the tick marks are to be displayed or not.
- setShowTicks(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set whether the tick marks are to be displayed or not.
- setShowTrack(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Whether or not to show the circular progress bar.
- setShowValue(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set whether the current value is to be displayed or not.
- setState(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
Change the current toggle state.
- setStickToTicks(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Specify whether the values are to be constrained to the tick marks or not.
- setStyle(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GCustomSlider
Change the skin used for the slider.
- setStyledText(StyledString) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Set the styled text to be displayed.
- setStyledText(StyledString) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Allows the user to provide their own styled text for this component
- setStyledText(StyledString) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextField
Set the styled text for this textfield after ensuring that all EOL characters
have been removed.
- setTabManager(GTabManager) - Method in interface g4p_controls.Focusable
- setTabManager(GTabManager) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
- setTabManager(GTabManager) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPanel
- setText(String, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Set the text to be used.
- setText(String[]) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars
- setText(String[], int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextArea
Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Set the text to be displayed.
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextField
Set the text to be displayed.
- setText(String, GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Combines setting the text and text alignment in one method.
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the text to be displayed and calculate the wrap length taking into
account any icon set.
- setText(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Change the text for single line styled string
- setText(String, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Change the text for single line styled string
- setTextAlign(GAlign, GAlign) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextIconBase
Set the horizontal and/or vertical text alignment.
- setTextBold(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Make the selected characters bold.
- setTextBold() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Make all the characters bold.
- setTextEditEnabled(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
Determines whether the text can be edited using the keyboard or mouse.
- setTextItalic(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Make the selected characters italic.
- setTextItalic() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Make all the characters italic.
- setTextOrientation(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
Set the text orientation for the display of the limits and value if appropriate.
- setTextPlain() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTextBase
Clear all applied styles from the whole text.
- setTickLabels(String[]) - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
This method is used to set the text to appear alongside the tick marks.
- settings() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
- setTitle(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Set the window title
- setTrackOffset(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
The offset is the distance the value/labels are drawn from the
centre of the track.
- setTurnMode(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Set the mouse control mode to use, acceptable values are
other value will be ignored.
- setTurnRange(float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Set the limits for the range of valid rotation angles for the knob.
- setUnits(String) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
The units to be displayed with the current and limit values e.g.
- setup() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
- setup() - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindowNEWT
- setValue(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GKnob
Set the value for the slider.
- setValue(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GValueControl
Set the value for the slider.
- setValueX(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set the X (horz) value for the slider.
- setValueXY(float, float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set both the XY values for the slider.
- setValueY(float) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
Set the Y (vert) value for the slider.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
- setVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Make the control visible or invisible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GGroup
Make the control visible or invisible with immediate effect.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class g4p_controls.GWindow
Set the windows visibility
- setVisibleChar(char) - Method in class g4p_controls.GPassword
Set the character that will be displayed instead of the actual character
entered by the user.
- setWindowAlpha(PApplet, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Set the transparency level for all controls drawn by the given
- setWindowColorScheme(PApplet, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Set the colour scheme for all the controls drawn by the given
- setWrapWidth(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
- setWrapWidth(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.StyledString
Set the maximum width of a line.
- setXlimits(int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GSlider2D
X (horz) limits
Sets the range of values to be returned.
- showMessage(PApplet, String, String, int) - Static method in class g4p_controls.G4P
Display a simple message dialog window.
- SIZE - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- start() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Resume an animation that has previously been stopped with stop()
- start() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Start the timer (call the method forever)
- start(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Start the timer and call the method for the number of
times indicated by nrepeats
If nrepeats is <=0 then repeat forever
- startCharIndex - Variable in class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutInfo
- stateValue() - Method in class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
use getState()
- stateValue(int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GImageToggleButton
use setState(int)
- stop() - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Stop the current animation.
- stop() - Method in class g4p_controls.GTimer
Stop the timer (can be restarted with start() method)
- storeAnim(String, int, int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Store details of an animation sequence for later use.
- storeAnim(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class g4p_controls.GAnimIcon
Store details of an animation sequence for later use.
- STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- STRIKETHROUGH_OFF - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- STRIKETHROUGH_ON - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- StyledString - Class in g4p_controls
This class is used to represent text with attributes.
- StyledString(String) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString
This is assumed to be a single line of text (i.e.
- StyledString(String, int) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString
Supports multiple lines of text wrapped on word boundaries.
- StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo - Class in g4p_controls
For multi-line text, the TextHitInfo class is not enough.
- StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo() - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo
- StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo(StyledString.TextLayoutInfo) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo
- StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo(StyledString.TextLayoutInfo, TextHitInfo) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo
- StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo(StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo
Copy constructor
- StyledString.TextLayoutInfo - Class in g4p_controls
Class to hold information about a text layout.
- StyledString.TextLayoutInfo(int, TextLayout, int, int, float) - Constructor for class g4p_controls.StyledString.TextLayoutInfo
- SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SUPERSCRIPT_OFF - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SUPERSCRIPT_SUB - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants
- SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER - Static variable in interface g4p_controls.GConstants